August 31, 2020
Firestone Country Club (452 East Warner Rd. Akron, OH 44319)
Event Schedule
11:00am Registration & Lunch
1:00pm Shotgun Start
5:00pm Dinner, Silent Auction & Awards Ceremony
The coronavirus has affected every aspect of our lives. As we adapt to these unprecedented circumstances, we’ll continue to serve our communities as best we can. In order to ensure the safety of our guests and committee members, we’ve made necessary modifications to our Golf Event that we’d like to share with you…
Golf carts are limited to 2 people. You may also request an individual cart.
Face coverings are required when entering the Clubhouse, restaurants and bars.
Prepared boxed lunch provided at golf cart.
Dinner soirée has been converted to a brief reception with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails.
Banquet hall is arranged to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Silent auction has been altered to virtual.